Program Components

WorldWise: Content-based Learning™ provides students with:
- Gradually increasing challenges.
- Texts that introduce and revisit themes and concepts across the reading stages.
- Texts that build on initial concepts with increasing complexity.
- Exposure to varied subject matter, including natural-, physical-, earth-, and life science, and relevant social studies topics.

Student Books
At each level, student books cover topics relating to the science and social studies curricula.
WorldWise: Content-based Learning™ books feature:
- Relatable content that will immediately engage students
- Diversity of the world students live in
- Graphic devices and striking photographs to support the content
- Research opportunities with Find Out More and Think About
- Titles linked to the NGSS and C3 Outcomes
- Titles that introduce and revisit themes and concepts across the reading stages
- A range of text types

Lesson Plans
WorldWise: Content-based Learning™ Lesson Plan Cards support teachers in creating an active learning environment, in which all students know how to use content area reading strategies to think within and beyond any given text. Each card identifies the connection to state standards for informational texts as well as to one or more of the science or social studies outcomes.

Educators can easily integrate these other content areas into their literacy block.
WorldWise: Content-based Learning™ Lesson Plans:
- Establish a reading focus with explicit links to Next Generation Science Standards and C3 Social Studies Outcomes
- Teach reading strategies simultaneously with science and social studies concepts
- Provide practical, systematic, easy-to-implement instructional plans
- Integrate oral language, comprehension, language development, fluency and writing
- Include ongoing assessment and follow-up activities.

Investigations are student-directed, inquiry-driven online project templates for each title in WorldWise: Content-based Learning™ at Grades 3-5. They are available only on the Okapi Digital Literacy™ platform and are offered at no cost to purchasers of the corresponding print editions or licensees of these programs on the platform. Each Investigations template in English has a counterpart Investigaciones template in Spanish.